This FAQ describes step by step how to submit an article for the website. Please follow the instructions carefully. This will save you time in the long run.
Decide which part of the website your article is going to be displayed in. You will need to choose a Section and then a Category within that Section. There is another FAQ which lists these. You may need to look around the website to see where it would logically go. This is the time to do it.
If you haven't already done so, login, using your Username and Password, on the right hand side of the website.
In the User Menu, click on the Submit an Article link.
Enter a Short title in the Title box (no more than 30 characters, including spaces). This should not be the same as an existing article, section name or category name.
Write the article in the text box.
If you want to paste in text from a Word document,
Please click on the "Paste from Word" icon:
Having copied the text onto the clipboard (Ctrl-C), use Ctrl-V to paste the text into the pop-up window.
- Click on OK.
If you add any links, or pictures, please set the Target to New Window (_blank). This will open the link or picture in a new Browser tab or window. Each of these has its own FAQ with a link below. (The linked FAQs will open in new tabs or windows)
If you want to include a link to another web page, click on the Insert a Link icon:
If you want to upload a pdf file with a link to it, click on the Insert a Link icon:
If you want to include a picture, click on the "Insert/Edit image" icon:
If the article is more than one sentence, click (ie position the cursor) after the introductory sentence, then click on the “Read More” button at the bottom of the text box; this will draw a red line showing where the Read More button will appear.
Make sure you do not include email addresses in your article – to avoid Spam!
Select the Category you want the article to be displayed in. (if you don't it won't be published!)
If you have finished the article, click on the Published “Yes” button. If you select “No”, the article will be visible to yourself and other Publishers, but not to either the public or members.
Select the Featured field to “Yes” button if you want to add the article to the Home Page as well as the chosen Category Page. You can reset the Show on Front Page button to “No” later, when the article is no longer Front Page news.
Ignore the Author Alias box.
Start Publishing: Generally, this box should be left unchanged, unless you wish to postpone publishing until a later time or date.
Finish Publishing: This should usually be left as “Never” or zeros
Access Level: This should be left set to “Public” for articles visible to all; if an article is only to be visible to NABO members, select “Registered”; if you wish to publish an article which is only to be visible to other NABO Authors, Editors or Publishers (i.e. Council members), set the Access Level to “Special” – this device can be used to publish an article for Council checking, before it is released to the general public, or the press, for instance.
Metadata (Helps users searching for specific articles)
Add a longer Title in the Description box.
Add a series of key words or phrases, separated by commas, in the Keywords Box.
Go back to the top, by the Title, and click on Save to save the article.
Check that the article appears as you want it on the chosen page.
Logout and check again.