K and A Mooring Strategy Steering Group

BW (now CRT) commenced Mooring Strategy Steering Group in 2010 in an attempt find consensus amongst users, business and local authorities over mooring congestion on the west end of the Kennet and Avon Canal. NABO regional secretary Andrew Colyer and and Legal officer Geoffrey Rogerson contributed to the meetings in 2010 and 2011, and made proposals on “place” and enforcement matters. Since the abrupt ending of the Group by CRT in 2011, Andrew and Geoffrey have been working on behalf of boaters with Andy Harry, one of the Kennet and Avon Partnership Board members.

Andy Harry heads up the Moorings sub group for the Board that has been tasked with looking into the mooring issues on the west end of the Kennet and Avon Canal.  The sub group’s work is to respond to CRTs document on moorings which it produced following the demise of the MSSG.  It is a large task for a small group, especially as there was disagreement over the ending of the MSSG and the CRT proposals.  NABO are happy to assist Andy with the on-going work.

NABO commented on the most recent CRT proposals in NABO News Issue 6 2012. You can read it by searching the archive.

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