Leeds Boaters Meeting with CEO Mar 2014

The was held on Thursday 13.3.2014 evening at the CRT offices, Fearns Wharf, Leeds. I attended on behalf of NABO  together with around 60 other boaters and the meeting followed the usual pattern with the CRT NE Waterway Manager – Jon Horsfall – as host.

{jcomments on}The NW Waterways Manager, Chantelle Seaborn was present to address any Leeds Liverpool Canal issues. There was also a good representation of local CRT management, Partnership members and two Council members (Ivor Caplin and Nigel Stevens).

Rather than write a separate detailed report here is a link to the CRT notes of the meeting.



Points of more general/national interest:-

2. Standege Tunnel restrictions and increasing the use of Northern  canals

3. Pillings Lock – ongoing issues and measures to avoid chances of similar situations arising

7. Continuous Cruising/mooring charge issue.  A boater suggested that the term Continuous Cruiser is misleading because all boats have to moor every day and proposed an increase in licence fee for everyone so that Continuous Cruisers would effectively be charged a mooring fee to cover mooring on towpath. As part of his suggestion, those using marinas would get a rebate from CRT for the time spent in marinas (I.e. when not using towpath moorings). An interesting proposal which met with a strong reaction on both sides of the argument!

16. There is a need to monitor local boat movements in underused areas to look at measures which may lead to increased usage

19. An issue was raised about how to communicate problems to CRT and subsequent feedback on progress

20. Concern about cycling on towpaths and perception that CRT is trying to encourage more use by cyclists. Discussion revolved around policing and enforcement issues to make towpaths safer.

Howard Anguish


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