Manchester/Rochdale Canal Undercroft

The Manchester and Pennines Region of Canal and River Trust is asking for thoughts about potential overnight closure of the Undercroft between Locks 84 and 86 on the Rochdale canal and have asked NABO to ask its Members.


Most boaters who have done the trip down the Rochadle Flight into Castlefield will be familiar with the section – the top two locks being the main area in question. This has been a problem area for many years, mainly into the evening and night time with rowdy and intimidating behaviour, indecent activities and inibriated persons falling in the canal – none on boats of course!


Boaters know it for the dark and dingy atmosphere and most for the serious hard work in balancing water pressures to get gates open!


The gated closures should not in effect impact on boaters who could still lock through but are unlikley to want to in the evenings when the new pedestian gates would be locked.


A good article with photographs can be found on the Pennine Waterways website which we always recommend for boaters coming to the Northern parts! We are happy to pass comments on to CRT if you wish – on the face of it we would suggest its a good idea that would not affect boaters and in fact make them feel safer.


Pennine Waterways web site and the article is

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