David Fletcher, the current NABO Chairman has been selected to join the new Navigation Advisory Group. This group replaces the old WUSIG and BWAF committees that provided advice to BW on boating and other strategic issues.
CRT say on the web site:
“Maintaining canal and river navigations for use by boats is at the core of what the Trust does. We want to ensure that our managers’ decisions are well informed by those who navigate the waterways regularly. The Navigation Advisory Group will comprise boaters with a variety of backgrounds to bring as broad a range of perspectives as possible to decision making.
There will be two sub groups:
Navigation Operations: Advice relating to safety standards, waterway operation, maintenance & repairs, and customer service standards.
Licensing & Mooring: Advice relating to boat licensing and moorings policies and the way in which they are implemented. “
David Fletcher said “I am delighted to be able to continue to present boater’s interests in this important committee. This is another opportunity to support waterways and ensure that navigation is at the heart of the day to day business.”
The full list of Group members can be seen here.