NABO responds to the CRT SE Moorings consultation

NABO has responded to the CRT consultation "Refreshing signage and rules for South East visitor moorings sites: boater consultation Jan-Feb 2013." The consultation closed on 28 February.

On the issue of the mooring periods, NABO recommends that any changes to the visitor moorings be undertaken only when a better evidence-based case is available. The current proposals should at least be deferred until CRT has carried out a period of daily observations both in the spring and high summer: this will enable them to quantify the periods that boaters are currently spending on the 22 visitor mooring sites and also with a focus on enforcing the existing regulations. These observations should be the basis for any new proposal for altering the current mooring durations or extending visitor moorings to meet the observed need.

NABO also questions the validity and fairness of the proposed explicit no return rule, and the overstay charge rate of £25 which is above market rate.

You can read the full response here.




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