Nantwich Civic Society
Nantwich Civic Society is a voluntary organisation, which campaigns to improve the environment and the quality of life in Nantwich. It encourages good quality design in new buildings and promotes the conservation of historic structures.
The work of the Society
Since its inception, one of the Society’s most important roles has been to campaign for better conservation of the many historic buildings in and around the town. We do this in several ways, one of these is by making recommendations to the local planning authority (now Cheshire East Council) on the design and impact of proposed new buildings. Views are taken on what seems best for the site and its surroundings. This process is not an ‘exact science’ and is subjective, despite the legal constraints.
Also, the Society provides feedback on strategic planning documents such as Cheshire East’s new Local Plan. Information generated by the Society helped significantly in the designation of the first Conservation Area for the town and subsequently in the revision of the Conservation Area in 2012.
In addition the Society has always been very proactive, supporting and undertaking a variety of practical projects with members who like to volunteer.
The Society helped to spearhead the campaign for the establishment of Nantwich Museum, which opened to the public in 1980.
Working with the staff and volunteers at the Museum, the Society contributed to the highly successful temporary exhibitions which celebrated the Queen’s Golden and Diamond Jubilees, and which highlighted the town’s history through its buildings.
Working in partnership
In recent years we have been instrumental in establishing the Nantwich Partnership which combines councils and voluntary groups working together to improve the town’s public realm. In partnership with other organisations, the Society has erected information plaques and panels. These provide an insight into the history of particular buildings and places in the town.
This is one of a series of 8 information signs and maps placed along the River Weaver and Lake in town in 2013. They were funded by a grant from Nantwich Town council. The Civic Society devised and erected them in conjunction with local environmental group Greenspaces South Cheshire.
Protecting our environment
Over the last 50 years, the Society has worked hard with other voluntary organisations to secure and enhance the green open spaces within and around the town. Funding initiatives have resulted in the planting of many trees and new or improved paths along the River Weaver, next to Nantwich Lake and on the canal aqueduct embankment. Regular ‘balsam bashes’ take place in the summer months to try and help eliminate the invasive Himalayan Balsam from the banks of the river. In addition, the Society arranges ‘clean-up’ events – often in association with other voluntary groups – in the town centre and along the riverside and lake.
Becoming a Civic Society member
If you want to contribute to the Society’s important work why not join us?
Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Nantwich Museum at 7.30pm, and are informal and welcoming. Membership is £10.00 a year.
We also have a Facebook page – follow us to keep up with all our latest work.
Content © Nantwich Civic Society · c/o Nantwich Museum · Pillory Street · Nantwich · CW5 5BQ