Navigation Authority Accountability

NABO’s campaign for an Independent Waterways Regulator for all waterways, has added significantly to BW’s resolve to overhaul their complaints and consultation procedures and produce a statement of intent document titled ‘Openness and Accountability’.

This promises to allay many of the concerns expressed by BW’s boating customers. The Association’s chairman has been on the working group for the setting up of the British Waterways Advisory Forum which should greatly improve communication between users and BW at Board level.


NABO is also calling for improved user group consultation with the Environment Agency and work is in hand to define and strengthen the status of the National Navigation Users Forum which is now enjoying better access to EA at Board level. NABO is also a consultee regarding EA’s application for a new Transport and Works Order giving it the powers it needs to harmonise its registration fees and conditions. Along with other user groups, NABO has succeeded in ensuring there will be a consultation mechanism for overseeing the application of these powers.

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