Boating on the non-tidal Thames – drought update (From the environment Agency, with permission) |
Dear boater, How does the drought affect you now? Thames Water’s hosepipe ban means that you may not use a hosepipe to wash a leisure boat. You may only use our water points to fill up your boat’s water tanks; not to wash your boat. Please continue to use water wisely. The south east is still in drought. One month’s significant rainfall after an extended dry period is not enough to greatly alter the situation. Groundwater levels are still well below average, and are not likely to recover until winter.
Potential impacts for boating
If the drought worsens and flows on the Thames decline, further potential actions are:
The water levels may vary along the river and the measures will be implemented accordingly. Each lock keeper will be able to tell you the situation at their lock. Out of hours, please refer to the lock notice board. For more information If you would like to receive e-mail updates about the drought or other river information please e-mail us at and include ‘Register for updates’ in the title of your message. For updates on river conditions please call our free Navigation Information Line on 0845 988 1188 (when prompted press 1, followed by 011131) or visit Andrew Graham |