Occupation of Stoke Bruerne Visitor Moorings

A boat owning resident of Stoke Breune has been surveying occupancy during August, walking the towpath from the Museum to the Tunnel entrance every night. The results show consistently less than full occupancy. We are advised that the long pound had an even lower level of occupancy both before and after the changes.

This graph has been compiled from the data.

The graph makes clear (despite claims to the contrary) that the main Visitor Mooring area in the village area has several spaces throughout this peak period. NABO agrees that boaters should not always expect a  Visitor Mooring to be available at popular spots when arriving late in the day. But it would appear that CRT's deire to impose reduced stay times, no return rules and associated penalty charges may not have been necessary. This graph provides  an example of the information that boaters could resonably expected CRT to have produced to justify the proposed changes at the recent South East Visitor Mooring Consultation. However they were unable to do so.  

Perhaps boaters have been put off having a volunteer banging on the side of their boat asking how long they will be staying when they arrive and again the following day reminding them that they must move off shortly? The new signage ignores the 7 day moorings that are shown on the CRT website and map, NABO understands that replacement signage to replace the new signage will be made to correct this error.

NABO suggest that If this low occupancy continues there will be a negative impact on canal side businesses.

Members report a similar situation at the Foxton another of the "hot spot" Visitor Moorings subject to these changes.

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