Drinking and Driving
Click Here to view NABO’s Submission to the Department of Transport on Drink Driving
BW Launch 2020
David Fletcher, NABO Chairman writes: I attended a meeting last week in Westminster where BW formally launched the 2020 vision to MPs and DEFRA.
BW Organisation Restructures
David Fletcher, Chairman, writes: In 2009, BW announced an organisational restructuring to reduce costs. This is separate from 2020, though it is published at the same time.
BW Customer Relations
Congratulations to Caroline Killeavy who has now taken over from Jonathan Bryant in this role.
BW to reorganise
British Waterways has just posted a press release on its website:- http://www.britishwaterways.co.uk/newsroom/all-press-releases/display/id/2414
Issue 3-09, May 2009 is now in the members area
NNUF 21 April 09
Click here for a Report on the National Navigation Users Forum meeting.
Chairman’s news
Dear all There are a few issues this week. Firstly, we are getting good data though on boating costs from the survey and thanks to all those who have responded. But we do need more.
Consultation on drink boating
From time to time NABO are consulted on issues of legislation. This is a privilege and we should always try and give it attention and thought.
Cost of Boating Survey
NABO News Issue 2 (March-April 2009) is now in the members zone of the website COST OF BOATING SURVEY – http://www.surveymonkey.com/NABOCoBS2009