EA publishes summary of consultation responses to proposed Navigation charges 2018/19

We’d firstly like to thank those who responded to our recent consultation on our proposed charge increase for 2018/19. We had a reasonable number of responses from a good cross section of representatives from the four stakeholder groups. Many of you gave very detailed and considered responses which we very much value.  We have now […]

NABO submission in response to the Draft London Environment Strategy

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) is a voluntary membership organisation, principally consisting of private boat owners based on the inland waterways of England and Wales. NABO exists to represent the interests of its members with navigation authorities and government organisations and to promote responsible ownership and use of inland boats. We are writing […]

Future of Crofton Beam Engines secured thanks to National Lottery Grant

The Kennet & Avon Canal Trust is delighted to announce that it has been awarded more than £½m of National Lottery funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) as the major contribution to an £845,000 project to secure the future of the steam driven Crofton Beam Engines, located at Crofton near Marlborough in Wiltshire. Thanks […]

Winter moorings

Winter moorings CRT’s winter moorings will be available from 1st November to 16th March 2018, finishing ahead of the Easter holidays.  Boaters will be able to book the sites in increments of one month, or two weeks in March 2018. The moorings are divided into four price bands according to each site’s location and facilities, with […]

EA’s National Navigation Users Forum (NNUF) meeting: 26th July 2017.

Mike Rodd represented NABO at this biannual meeting which was, as usual, well attended by most of the boating organisations which cover the EA navigations. As usual, the preparatory work was exemplary and the meeting was very well chaired by EA Board member Peter Ainsworth, with his focus of making sure all delegates have every […]

More bikes for Manchester’s towpaths?

More bikes for Manchester’s towpaths? One of China’s largest ‘dockless bike-share’ companies, Mobike, which operates 5 million bikes in China, has announced that it will launch their introduction in Manchester and Salford at the end of June, with an initial 1,000 bikes. Users download an app that displays a map with locations of the GPS-enabled […]