Brief Report on the CRT National Users Forum: Wednesday 9th September 2015

As usual this was held at The Bond in Birmingham, and this 6-monthly meeting was well attended by representatives of 24 boating and canal-related organisations. As has become the norm now, the meeting was essentially a platform for CRT to update the various organisations, with relatively little follow-up discussion. The networking, though, is valuable.

Waterways Ombudsman Scheme

The Waterways Ombudsman is pleased to announce that on 20 August 2015 the service was unconditionally approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute as a Consumer ADR body under the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015.

NABO’s Past-Chairman re-appointed to CRT’s NAG

We are delighted to report that David Fletcher, NABO’s immediate Past-Chairman, has been re-appointed for a 2nd term as a Member of the Navigation Advisory Group (Operations) for a 3-year period. This group provides advice to CRT relating to safety standards, waterway operation, maintenance & repairs, and customer service standards.

NABO News 2015

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2015: 4 Editorial 5 Chairman’s column and NABO AGM report 8 Fly on the Wall and Fly’s AGM 10 What should CRT’s priorities be for 2016? 12 New licence terms and conditions 16 News: Members’ boat insurance, Waterways Ombudsman’s annual report 17 Boating incidents and accidents 18 CRT roundup: […]

River Thames Lock Closures: 2015 – 2016

The Environment Agency is investing more than £1 million this autumn and winter as part of a programme of works to maintain and replace navigation structures on the River Thames. The investment is needed to maintain the River Thames as a reliable navigation for boaters and all visitors to enjoy safely. Listed below are the locks […]