NABO responds to the consultation for K&A mooring plan
NABO has responded to the “consultation” on a proposed “Towpath Mooring Plan” for The Kennet & Avon Canal west of Devizes to Bath (not including the River Avon after Bath). Although stated as a “consultation” this questionnaire appears to be simply a list of intentions. Also, the associated letter states CRT’s intention to implement the […]
NABO appoints a new Chairman
New Chairman for NABO After a transformational five-year period at the helm of NABO – the National Association of Boat Owners – David Fletcher has stepped down as Chairman, and Mike Rodd has been elected to take over from him. Originally from Zimbabwe, Mike moved with his family to the UK in 1986 when he […]
Setting up a NABO mail account.
This covers setting up a IMAP mail box on the SiteGround internet server. Some @NABO addresses do not have a mail box, and they simply forward mail to the recipients personal email. This is not covered by this note and if this is what is needed, ask the web master. Officers of the Association usually […]
NABO Council members meet with CRT CEO Richard Parry
On 15 November NABO Chairman David Fletcher and Council Members Mike Rodd and Mark Tizard met with Richard Parry, the Canal and River Trust’s CEO, at their Milton Keynes offices. The meeting was a good opportunity for us to give Richard an overview of NABO and its recent history of engagement with BW/CRT, and he […]
NABO Chairman’s report from the AGM
The 22nd Annual General Meeting was held on 16th November 2013. The guest speakers were Adam Comerford and Emily Crisp from the CRT Hydrology section. They gave an excellent presentation and then ran working sessions on their current thinking on water management. We all thoroughly valued their attendance and found the presentation both informative and […]
CRT publish first report on Towpath Mooring Management
Last week CRT published its first public report on the Towpath Mooring Management project, which aims to support better and fairer use of towpath moorings. You can read it here. With NABO's AGM this coming weekend, we will hold over any comments until the new Council is in place and have time to consider. NABO […]
AGM Council Nominations 2013/4
Next week sees our AGM at Wolverhampton Boat Club which of course will include the election of officers for the coming year.
Encouraging announcement from CRT’s CEO
Canal & River Trust press release, issued 8 November 2013 NEW CHIEF EXECUTIVE LAUNCHES WIDER ENGAGEMENT WITH BOATERS and dont forget Richard Parry will be at our AGM next week as part of his engagement! Details below! The Canal & River Trust’s new chief executive, Richard Parry, has spent his first few months […]
Near miss reporting
A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage; in other words, a miss that was nonetheless very near. Although the label of ‘human error’ […]
Incident reporting
Navigation authorities gather information and issue safety bulletins and reports of incidents. CRT have a section on their web site for reporting; Click here. Alternatively you can call and give details of the incident to 0303 040 4040 The Broads Authority also have a section on their web site. click here One other is PLA, and […]