Occupation of Stoke Bruerne Visitor Moorings

A boat owning resident of Stoke Breune has been surveying occupancy during August, walking the towpath from the Museum to the Tunnel entrance every night. The results show consistently less than full occupancy. We are advised that the long pound had an even lower level of occupancy both before and after the changes.

CRT Annual Public Meeting, National Waterways Museum, Ellesmere. Monday 9th July 2013

CRT Annual Public Meeting, National Waterways Museum, Ellesmere. Monday 9th July 2013 I attended this meeting on behalf of NABO. It was not obvious who had been invited, but numbers had to be restricted for reasons of space, and those who had not booked in early were not able to attend. This had caused some […]

Ministerial Statement on the transfer of EA navigations

The Waterways Minister Richard Benyon has today made a written statement on the issue of transfer of the EA waters to CRT. He said that the Government has (therefore) decided that the Review planned for 2013/14 to consider options for the transfer will be postponed until Defra’s finances improve and there is a realistic prospect […]

Chairman’s column, NABO News 4, July 2013

Chairman’s column, NABO News 4, July 2013   Legal Last month I mentioned the concern felt by NABO Council about the legality of some of CRT’s proposals on the Southern Grand Union. Since then a NABO team has met our legal advisors and reviewed the issues again. The advice to us is that nothing has […]