NABO’s position on mooring regulations

NABO has today made a Press Release clarifying its position on the whole question of mooring regulations on the waterways managed by the Canal and River Trust. The Trust has recently issued a consultation document that outlines its plans for the South Eastern part of the Waterways and many of their proposals have enraged the […]


NABO News is the associationā€™s 32-page full-colour magazine that provides up to date information on the waterways, as well as a forum for NABO members to give voice to issues that concern them. There are six issues per year and each contains regular features on Boating, News, Talking points, Rewind (summaries of past NABO News), […]

K and A Mooring Strategy Steering Group

BW (now CRT) commenced Mooring Strategy Steering Group in 2010 in an attempt find consensus amongst users, business and local authorities over mooring congestion on the west end of the Kennet and Avon Canal. NABO regional secretary Andrew Colyer and and Legal officer Geoffrey Rogerson contributed to the meetings in 2010 and 2011, and made […]

Summary of NABO activities for 2012

In 2012, NABO representatives have attended a full range of consultation meetings with DEFRA, BW, then CRT and EA, BSS, NINF, and other user groups etc, both nationally and locally. This is the core work of the Association, monitoring what is going on, reading the papers, listening to the presentations and making considered comments both […]