BW Audlem Visitor Moorings Consultation
British Waterways have opened a consultation about traders overstaying at Audlem. NABO has been invited to respond, so we invite members to add any comments below before January 21st 2012 so that NABO Council can put a response together.
CRT forms links with Arts Council
Arts Council England and the Canal & River Trust have agreed to implement a shared approach to engaging with the contemporary arts for the benefit of the waterways network, users and the artistic community.
North Wales and Borders seek members for the Partnership
The Canal & River Trust is delighted to announce Jim Forrester as the chair of the new North Wales and Borders Waterway Partnership. Mr Forrester and waterway manager Wendy Capelle, are now looking to recruit
Nominations open for boater’s representatives on CRT Council
Boaters are being asked to stand for election for the CRT Council. Nominations opened on 12 December.
Boater has lucky escape from boat fire
A boater had a lucky escape in the last few days. NABO understands that the fire originated at night from a pyrolysis fire of wood in the cabin lining adjacent to a solid fuel stove. The boater apparently did not have a functioning smoke alarm, and was lucky to escape the smoke filled boat.
NABO Officers elected for 2012
NABO officers were elected for 2012 at the first Council meeting held on 26 November 2011.
BW’s Isis Lock Consultation
BW posted 2 consultations on its website about the boom and lock landing at Isis Lock, where the Oxford Canal meets the River Thames. After consulting with members, we have sent this response: "Because the boom and lock landing pontoon installations are inextricably linked, we are sending the same reply to both consultations, as we […]
NABO Press Release on the Boaters’ Manifesto
At its most recent meeting at the end of November, NABO Council agreed to formally endorse the Key Points in the Boaters Manifesto. NABO Vice Chair, Simon Robbins said: “We are pleased to see that an independent group of boaters shares broadly the same concerns as we identified in our formal submission to DEFRA during […]
Report on Response to the PLA Consultation
A report on responses to the recent PLA consultation is now available here. OPLAC Chair Davis Beaumont commented: The charts show a sea of red which indicates 'I generally disagree'. We are particularly encouraged by the responses to "I would be happy for my fee to be published" – 80% in favour! This is one […]
NABO Council voted in at the Annual General Meeting
The AGM was held at the Stafford Boat Club on Saturday 12 November.