PLA River Works Licences for residential use

The Port of London Authority (PLA) is undertaking a study into potential methods for pricing River Works Licences for residential moorings. (These are the fees many moorings providers pay to PLA for their moorings sites.)

Any NABO members based on the tidal Thames who would like to submit independent representations and who have not been contacted directly, may wish to contact the consultant who will be working on the project, Madge Bailey (via the consultancy's website).

You are also welcome to contact Simon Robbins, NABO's moorings officer for fuller details details. (I only have details on paper at present but will happily scan and e-mail or copy and post these to you. (PLA/OPLAC Joint letter of 28th October).

Please note that the initial deadline for submissions is a short one, 19 November 2010.

Thames residential moorers have formed a local representative organisation, the Organisation of PLA Customers (OPLAC), which is leading the campaign for a more transparent pricing formula.

We also understand that some boaters and moorings operators are making independent representations into this process.

NABO has not considered the issue in detail as those members who have contacted us are already represented through other groups of which they are also members. However we are happy to give any support we can to the tidal Thames boaters, their representatives and the PLA  over this exercise. NABO welcomes such active consultation with boaters and moorings providers. We wish every success to this project and at the very least will continue to monitor progress with interest.

The Residential Boat Owners Association (RBOA) and OPLAC are both members of the steering group for this project.

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