Press Release announces New Website

The following was released to the press 15th March

NABO launches new website

…. listening to boat owners

…. speaking up for boat owners


The National Association of Boat Owners, has launched a new website as a means of communication not only with its members, but with all boaters on the inland waterways.


The website is one of the tools NABO uses to keep boaters up to date with the current issues affecting them. Views on live consultations are sought and policies formulated.


When cruising, boaters do not have broadband, so many use mobile services to keep in touch. At the end of 2009, NABO was made aware that T-mobile users were unable to access its website, so it was decided to move the site to another web host.


Instead of relying on a computer expert to keep it up to date, the new website has been designed to allow any of the NABO Council to add up to date information.


Boat Owners can join NABO through the website. Richard Carpenter, NABO General Secretary, said,

“This new website will enable boaters to join in more easily. The waterways need more funding and the management structures are being reviewed. It is therefore vital that Boat Owners have input to this process, and NABO is an organisation that speaks solely for all Boat Owners.


The access for all boat owners, and not just our  members, to be able to keep up to date with boating issues is an important change. Our recent condition survey results have been adopted and acted upon by British Waterways and so a further avenue for boaters with access to consultations should improve that process as well.”


NABO Members still have a private access area on the site with more specific benefits and dialogue. The new facility to join on line has already resulted in new Members signing up.




For more information, contact Richard Carpenter, 01772 600886 mob: 07989 441674


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