River Thames Alliance 2019 AGM

This was held yesterday, 10th October 2019, at the Henley River and Rowing Museum. The first issue was the approval of the proposed RTA Annual Report for the previous year. It was felt, however, that this concentrated too much on the problems RTA had been experiencing and failed to highlight some of the positive work undertaken, especially that relating to moorings and the Thames All Party Parliamentary Group. The latter, chaired by John Howell OBE the MP for Henley is well supported by the relevant MPS and is sponsored and serviced by RTA. The meeting agreed to ask for the annual report to be re-drafted by the RTA Directors and sent around RTA members present at the AGM for approval.

The main business though was to consider a report from an open round-table meeting held on 25th June 2019 to which all member of RTA had been invited. Whilst not making specific proposals, the report clearly identifies a number of issues which need to be urgently addressed if RTA is to move forward as a credible and viable body acting in the best interests of the River Thames and able to attract a significant membership representing all who use and enjoy the river. The AGM fully supported the report and agreed to form a Task Group charged with bringing forward a clear strategy for the future of the RTA in whatever form they may consider appropriate. This work to be completed no later than 27 February and a report submitted to the RTA Directors for action.

On behalf of NABO I fully support this way ahead and agreed to be one of the members of the task force which then met briefly to agree immediate actions and to schedule initial meetings.

Mike Rodd

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