BW Updates SE Drought Restrictions

British Waterways has released an update which confirms the waterways restrictions that will be in place in the South East from end April to early June (post bank holidays to Wed 6th June) Summary – There are no changes to the restrictions that have been in place over the last few weeks. The one exception is addition […]

Staffs and Worcs Canal Lock Tail Bridges

John Slee, NABO continuous cruising rep, writes, I am currently cruising from Stourport to Great Haywood on the Staffs & Worcs Canal. So far I have only reached the summit pound, but I believe I have seen enough to send in the following complaint to a British Waterways DIrector concerning the risk to boaters and […]

Summer Lock opening restrictions announced

British Waterways has today announced a series of restricted opening hours and closures for locks in the South-East aimed at coping with the drought conditions.

British Waterways Transfer Order in Parliament

The draft Order for the transfer of functions of British Waterways to the Canal & River Trust was laid before Parliament on 29 February 2012. The Public Bodies Act 2011 allows for such orders to be approved by resolution of each House after the expiry of the 40-day period specified in the Act.

BW talk about summer 2012 around London

British Waterways met with London Boaters this week. BW identified a number of areas where they are looking at improving facilities. These include reinstalling water points at Islington and Kensal and a possible new point at Mile End. They asked for suggestions of where new rubbish points could be provided that have road access for them. There were […]

British Waterways responds to drought conditions

Following closures on the K&A and GU canals, BW has alerted boaters to the drought conditions that may affect boating during 2012, through their Waterscape website. Vince Moran, BW’s Operations Director said that It is no secret that parts of England have had the driest year for over 100 years which may pose problems for a proportion […]

BW Audlem Visitor Moorings Consultation

British Waterways have opened a consultation about traders overstaying at Audlem. NABO has been invited to respond, so we invite members to add any comments below before January 21st 2012 so that NABO Council can put a response together.

BW publishes new guidance for boats without a home mooring

British Waterways (BW) is today publishing updated, more concise mooring guidance for boats without a home mooring. 

“British Waterways couldn’t even organise …… “

Bob Naylor, a freelance reporter from Devizes went to a meeting in Devizes about the transfer of BW to the New Waterways Charity addressed by David Bruce, President of the Kennet & Avon Canal Trust and came away with a startling report.