NABO’s submission on CRT’s Private Boaters’ Licence Terms and Conditions

NABO has submitted a full response to CRT’s intended T&C's, taking into consideration their previous response to our initial submission.  NABO understands that CRT will go ahead with these new T&C's from the 1st May 2105 but, given the up-swell of feelings from our members (and indeed, the droves of non-members who have contacted us), […]

Open letter to CRT about Continuously Cruising Enforcement Communications

NABO today has written an open letter to Ian Rogers CRT's Head of Customer Services. This is in response to CRTs letter to boaters with boats with out a home mooring (CCers). CRT's policy statement can be found here: The text of CRT's letter to all CCers can be found here. If you are affected […]

Boaters without a Home Mooring: How far is far enough?

CRT have just released the following statement: Following our recent communication, a number of boaters have asked for clarification of the legal requirement to cruise throughout the period of their licence and, in particular, what is the minimum distance that should be covered in order to comply with the Trust’s Guidance for Boaters without a […]

Report on CRT Water Resources Strategy Consultation

Delivering a long term security of water supply to the waterway network will help the Canal & River Trust achieve its vision of living waterways that transform places and enrich lives. To enable this, CRT are developing a Water Resources Strategy to allow them to plan successfully for the future.

The continuing continuous cruising enforcement saga

CRT announced today that it will be taking action on the substantial number of boaters whose licences have been granted under the condition that, as they don’t have a home mooring, they will continuously cruise and are therefore required to be “bona fide navigating” and also not to remain in any one “place” for more […]

Changes by CRT to Terms & Conditions of Private Boat Licences

We have been advised that CRT have  been working on changes to the Terms & Conditions (T&C’s) of private boat licences.  According to CRT these changes are being made to bring the T&C’s up to date and to clear up any ambiguities. ( See:files/8375-table-of-changes-to-boat-licence-terms-and-conditions-jan-2015.pdf ). We are alarmed by the seemingly large number of changes […]