EA charging proposals for 2015/16

News from the Environment Agency: Following final discussions, our Board agreed on 17 July 2014 to consult on increasing navigation charges for 2015/16 by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). We propose applying the July 2014 CPI figure.  The June figure shows CPI as 1.9%. We propose applying CPI to current charges for all our navigation […]

Navigation Authority Accountability

NABO’s campaign for an Independent Waterways Regulator for all waterways, has added significantly to BW’s resolve to overhaul their complaints and consultation procedures and produce a statement of intent document titled ‘Openness and Accountability’.

The Future of Navigation

The Future of Navigation NABO was consulted by the Department of the Environment over the future of navigation under two major UK inland navigation authorities – the Environment Agency and British Waterways. NABO recommended, and continues to urge, greater liaison and co-ordination between the different waterway authorities.