CRT meets with the Boating Associations
In attendance at this meeting, called by CRT, on the 3rd of February 2014, were the Chairs and representatives of NABO (Mike Rodd, Mark Tizard), IWA (Les Etheridge and Paul Roper), RBOA (Alan Wildman), AWCC (Paul La Blique) and ACC (Steve Jay and Louise Yeoman). From CRT were CEO Richard Parry, Directors Vince Moran and […]
Historic Narrow Boats on Show
A record number of historic narrow boats will be on show at The IWA Waterways Festival, being hosted by Burton upon Trent from 29th to 31st July 2011.
To Castlefield
Friday 10th September 2010 Up easily – usual couple of miles brisk walk at seven – found a paper shop too! Target Plank Lane Swing Bridge when it opens at 8.30am
Where do I report waterway problems?
Who do I report problems with the waterways to?
BW Waterways Condition Survey
Inland Waterways Deteriorating, say Boaters Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters believe that the inland waterways managed by British Waterways are in a parlous state.
OA Waterways Condition Survey
Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters are generally inclined to be positive about the state of inland waterways managed by Agencies other than British Waterways (BW), but feel negative about the canals and rivers run by BW.