Moorings matter

NABO campaigns extensively on mooring strategies. This is a significant issue, and is guaranteed to gather wide views, regardless of boating patterns. Everybody wants a good safe mooring near that pub, shop, car park or remote spot in the country. Towns, villages and canalside venues want visitor moorings so that customers can come and go. […]

Loss of User Moorings to commercial activities

The NABO Council has become increasingly aware of a number of key visitors moorings being withdrawn (often without any consultation with users) and made available for other purposes, typically of a commercial nature. In this light, we have been alerted to a planning permission application on the K&A to change of use a visitor mooring […]

BW talk about summer 2012 around London

British Waterways met with London Boaters this week. BW identified a number of areas where they are looking at improving facilities. These include reinstalling water points at Islington and Kensal and a possible new point at Mile End. They asked for suggestions of where new rubbish points could be provided that have road access for them. There were […]

Consultation – PLA River Works Licences for Residential Use

The Port of London Authority has undertaken a major review of its policies and procedures for issuing and renewing River Works Licences for Residential Moorings and is now undertaking a Public Consultation on the findings to date and its proposals for the future. The consultation opened on 13th September 2011 and closes on Friday 18 […]

NABO suggests modifications to BW’s Guidelines

British Waterways responded to the Bristol court decision in their favour by amending the “Mooring Guidance for Continuous Cruisers”. Stakeholder organisations, including NABO, were invited to a meeting to discuss the changes on 23rd June 2011. Geoffrey Rogerson and John Slee attended on NABO's behalf. At the end of the meeting, NABO asked for the […]

Extended consultation on Lee & Stort Moorings

The consultation about the BW proposals for the management of moorings on the Rivers Lee & Stort, Hertford Union and Regent's Canals has been extended to the end of May 2011. BW developed their proposals, aiming to balance the interests of different interest groups including boaters, walkers, rowers, canoeists, anglers, local residents, businesses and visitors […]

BW Issue Guidlines for the winter weather!

NABO are probably a bit late in publishing this article but perhaps some of our live aboard members might just glean some comfort in the advice! Its designed for BW's own mooring customers but applies to everyone we imagine!