Consultation – PLA River Works Licences for Residential Use
The Port of London Authority has undertaken a major review of its policies and procedures for issuing and renewing River Works Licences for Residential Moorings and is now undertaking a Public Consultation on the findings to date and its proposals for the future. The consultation opened on 13th September 2011 and closes on Friday 18 […]
PLA River Works Licences for residential use
The Port of London Authority (PLA) is undertaking a study into potential methods for pricing River Works Licences for residential moorings. (These are the fees many moorings providers pay to PLA for their moorings sites.) Any NABO members based on the tidal Thames who would like to submit independent representations and who have not been […]
Harbour Revision Order PLA
Tidal Thames/Port of London Authority – Harbour Revision Order Council is considering whether and if so how we should respond
NABO member stars in Thames Training video
NABO member and our Thames Rep stars in a new training video on the "Boating on the Thames"web site.