The Canal & River Trust concerns Stephen Peters

Stephen Peters (NABO and TBA preferred candidate in the CRT elections) writes: I am beginning to get a little concerned about the direction in which CRT matters are proceeding in the run-up to the eventual handover of British Waterways’ activities to the new charity later this year. Delays

BW Waterways Condition Survey

Inland Waterways Deteriorating, say Boaters Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters believe that the inland waterways managed by British Waterways are in a parlous state.

OA Waterways Condition Survey

Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters are generally inclined to be positive about the state of inland waterways managed by Agencies other than British Waterways (BW), but feel negative about the canals and rivers run by BW.