Launch of Thames Tunnel Now!
The tidal reaches of the Thames are regularly polluted by sewage discharges from the combined sewer overflows after rainfall.
NABO RoadShow – Byfleet Boat Club -Saturday 26th March
The NABO promoted Forum arrives at Byfleet Boat Club, in Surrey on Saturday 26th March commencing at 7pm. Based on the BBC "Question Time" format –
New EA Boat Registration Laws Announced for 2011
The Environment Agency is changing the way it regulates boat registration for its waterways across the country.
PLA River Works Licences for residential use
The Port of London Authority (PLA) is undertaking a study into potential methods for pricing River Works Licences for residential moorings. (These are the fees many moorings providers pay to PLA for their moorings sites.) Any NABO members based on the tidal Thames who would like to submit independent representations and who have not been […]
Harbour Revision Order PLA
Tidal Thames/Port of London Authority – Harbour Revision Order Council is considering whether and if so how we should respond
Have your Say on Thames Customer Service!
Good customer service along the River Thames is to be recognised by two new waterways awards launched last week by the Environment Agency.
NABO member stars in Thames Training video
NABO member and our Thames Rep stars in a new training video on the "Boating on the Thames"web site.
Environment Agency offer £10 Thames transit licence
NABO has learned that the Environment Agency are to offer a £10 transit licence in response to customer requests
Thames boaters benefit from a clearer boating service
Boaters on the River Thames can now be clearer about the service they can expect with the launch of a new customer charter today, Thursday 1 April.
NABO welcomes fines for Thames boaters with no licence
EA has announced that two boaters have been fined for using boats on the Thames without current licences.