CRT report on Towpath Consultation

CRT have just reported on the recent Towath Usage consultation. 

They say:

In March we began consulting nationally on our Sharing Towpaths project and asked people to provide feedback by completing a short survey.

A total of 2,148 people completed the online survey, we had 88 responses to our sharing towpaths email address and three workshops were held with stakeholders, local authorities, and partners.

A wide array of feedback representing diverse interests was received and this is summarised in the Sharing Towpaths Outputs report (saved here) 

In addition to the report we have also made available the individual comments and responses received to both our online survey and email address.

The responses are now shaping our new Towpath Code and policy which will hope will encourage considerate sharing of towpaths by everyone. The Towpath Code will guide the enjoyment of our 2,000 miles of waterways in England and Wales and is expected to be launched in Autumn 2014.

You can read the summary report  and other papers here

NABO comment will be in the next NABO News due out in later September



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