The AGM takes place at Stafford Boat Club on Saturday 12th November commencing at 10.30pm – venue open from 10am for Tea and Coffee.
The format this year is to quickly run through the formalities, elect officers – nominations received below – hear from our Chairman with a review of the past year combined with an open session about NABO's role and its future position. After lunch (at 12.30 and free to all NABO Members who attend), we plan one of our Boaters Forum sessions which were sucessful last winter.
The Forum is open to all comers – not just NABO members – and Boat Clubs and Marinas within striking distance of Stafford have been invited. It takes the form of the Question Time programme on BBC and is Chaired by Richard Carpenter, General Secretary.
- Our special guest is Lynne Berry O.B.E see is one of the New Canal and River Trust initial Board Members. A boat owner herself, Lynne has much experience of Charity Organisations, including being the Chief Executive of the WVRS.
- Joining Lynne will be Jim Shead, a writer and committed enthusiast and web master. A Boater until two years ago and with nearly 40 years of commitment to the Waterways in one form or another, Jim is a committed IWA Member and became a Trustee in 2010. He is best known for his massively informative web sites – try and keep it in your favourites! Jim stresses he attends as an individual enthusiast and does not wear his IWA hat – he has lots of experience on the Nene and Middle Levels.
- Our Final Panel member is our Chairman, David Fletcher, who has worked tirelessly over the past three years on behalf of all NABO Members on Boating issues, to the extent that he was asked to help interview Regional Chairs of the new C&RT on behalf of BW.
Everyone will have a chance to question our panel but also join in a debate about all issues – we suspect mostly about the Pro's and Cons of C&RT! It is a unique opportunity to better understand all that is involved.
The following existing Councillors have been nominated and have indicated their willingness to stand for election again – David Fletcher, Stephen Peters, Andrew Colyer, John Slee, Simon Robbins and Geoffrey Rogerson. Sadly no new nominations have been received and two existing members have decided to stand down due to other pressures – although continuing to work in NABO's interests at Regional Level. Howard Anguish and Sue Burchett will be missed. Richard Carpenter has offered to continue as General Secretary subject to the new Councils approval but will not be a full Council Member due to other pressures (permitted in our constitution in the case of General Secretary which is seen as an administrative role).
Members are reminded that the New Council can co-opt people to become Councillors and so if we have willing helpers for the challenging changeover to C&RT there is a mechanism in place to join us.
Stafford Boat Club's address is Off Maple Wood, Wildwood, Staffordshire ST17 4SG Tel : 01785 660725. We are able to arrange lifts from Stafford Station – just let the Secretary know.