Wales & South West User Forum

I attended the virtual meeting of the above on Thursday 4th November, which concentrated on the Kennet and Avon Canal. I have to say that this was one of the very best CRT Forum meetings I have attended and the Director responsible, Mark Evans, needs to be congratulated on developing a format which really works. Little about the glorious CRT but hard canal information, led by 2 well prepared reviews of present and immediate future work on the canal given by the lead operations folk. The rest of the meeting was left open to questions from the appropriately 30 attendees. It is very clear that CRT is having much success in the involvement of volunteers into their work, some at the real engineering end. But of course this is not really surprising as they have built this approach right from the start (at least at the eastern end) on the existing K&A Canal Trust volunteers who always worked closely with BWB/CRT.

I hope Mark shares his approach with other CRT Detectors.


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